Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What's the Hurry - there's always tomorrow

A close friend of mine once told me "everything that may be pushed for tomorrow can be delayed enough for it to be no longer needed done ".

Funnily enough, it holds more true than not.

" If only ", " I wish " - aren't they all words which make us rue a decision we took to not take any decision. " If only, I bought a house then ", " I wish we could get a right car at the price ", " I wish I had more time for myself ".
But then what - but for a moment when its uttered, it goes no further than a lament, on what wasn't - almost translating to us doing something about converting our lament into our pride.

There's many a curious thought that comes to mind when it comes to rationalizing procrastination.
They vary from telling ourselves " there's no time ", " I've something more urgent to do ( which almost always translates to " let me not to do this " and very rarely " let me do this next ) ", " this isn't going to change anything ".

Bringing a workplace reference to the same thought - Mcgregor while discussing theory x and y - quite possibly had the same reference to context when he categorised those in theory y.
This day and age, most of us, in all our honest ambition are driven by our unending drive to succeed , for oneupmanship.
Everyday, we're driven by what we want to achieve professionally - so much so that not only we strive to turn tomorrow into today but we try to many a time turn someone else's tomorrow into our today - sometimes with means which are less than ideal.

What, if anything indeed - holds us back from achieving the same level of proficiency when it comes to personal existence.

Truth is, we're more a creation of our personal circumstances, of our friends and family than of anything that we encounter at our workplace and yet if we were to truly measure our efficiency, our versatility or our purpose when it comes to our growth as the multifaceted human being we are - its always comes somewhere invisible in our speeding sprint of priorities.

Can we ever be a versatile professional if we are a uni dimensional person ?
Can we ever appreciate an organisation's vision when we don't attach enough importance to having one of our own.
Can we ever truly excel if our person continues to accept and compromise - lets all look within,

who we are is what we become.

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